Thursday, March 25, 2010

In Case of Fire...

Back at the beginning of the school year, the fire department visited the preschool and taught the kids all about fire safety, fire trucks, and that kind of stuff. Clayton talked about it all for weeks. He demonstrated stop, drop, and roll for anyone who would pay attention. He was obsessed with fire trucks. He still mentions the "fire man at school" every now and then, but some of the lessons are a little rusty.

Case in point:

The other day, somehow the topic of fire came up. We asked Clayton what he would do if his clothes were on fire. He couldn't rememeber.

"Stop," we said, trying to get him to recall. Nothing. "Drop," we continued, trying to jog his memory.

"Stop, drop," he repeated. Pause, thinking.

"And then what," we asked.

With great enthusiasm, "Grab a hose!"

Ryan and I got a pretty good laugh out of that one. Yes, I think grabbing a hose would probably be pretty effective. Good thinking!