Here are a few recent pictures of how people sleep around here.
1. Aaron
Aaron sleeps in the pack n' play in our room. He's doing really well with nights now. A typical night is nursing and bed at 11:30pm, nurse between 3 and 4am, nurse and wake around 8am. The key is going back to sleep in the middle of the night. That part wasn't so easy in the beginning, but he's getting it down now. Aaron LOVES to be swaddled. He will complain about it while you're wrapping him up, but once he's all contained, he's a much happier baby and a much better sleeper. I love these swaddle blankets. I was able to find very lightweight cotton ones, and they stay swaddled very nicely.
2. Eli
Eli LOVES his crib. Sometimes he needs a little time out and will beg to get in there. He'll just hang out in there for a half hour or so and feel much better. He LOVES his binkies, which are only allowed in the crib. He needs one for his mouth and one for his hand. He's really into hanging his feet out the sides of the crib these days. The minute I put him into the crib, he gets in this position, and he usually stays that way. Eli is still my great sleeper. He naps 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon. He goes to bed around 8pm and will usually sleep until after 9am, sometimes 10am. If we have to be anywhere in the mornings I have to wake him to get there on time. He's our snoozer.
3. Clayton
Clayton is almost 4 1/2 years old now. Most days he still needs a nap, but most days he doesn't want to nap. My rule is that he has to stay quietly in his room for two hours. He will usually drift off, but somedays he fights harder than others. This day he fought the nap and staying in his room particularly hard, but eventually the nap won, apparently before Clayton could get in bed. I love that he's still holding onto his sunglasses.
Clayton also goes to bed around 8pm, but sometimes it takes a while to fall asleep. This is his nap mat from preschool. The last two nights he's gotten out of bed, into his closet, dug out the mat, and fallen asleep on it. Good thing we spent all that money on the new bunkbeds.
4 & 5. Ryan and I don't look as cute as these boys when we sleep, so we don't need to post pictures of that.