Monday, July 25, 2011

VBS 2011

In the middle of all Clayton's health drama, we've had a very busy Vacation Bible School season around here.  I love VBS.  I went almost every summer as an elementary schooler, and I believe in its ministry.  I love that kids who never have the opportunity to attend church show up for VBS.  As we work and work to put on the program, I always try to remember that many of our kids will only have this one week each year to learn about Jesus. 

Our VBS was July 11-14, and this year's theme was Pandamania.  Clayton was able to attend the preschool VBS again this year.  He had the same teacher from last year, and we love her so much.  I wish I had some pictures to share, but trust me, between all the VBS prep, teaching at VBS, and Clayton's issues, a camera was the last thing on my mind. 

I'm so thankful to belong to a church with so many ladies dedicated to making VBS a success.  It's a summer staple, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.

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