Tuesday, February 3, 2009


When you tell the Air Force barber "short" they don't mess around! I've recently started taking Clayton to the base to get his hair cut. We're usually out there for something else, so it's convenient, the price is right, and they do a good job. We always have to take a number and wait. I can tell the barber that calls our number is usually nervous, but Clayton is always such a champ. He loves being buzzed. He sits still and makes faces in the mirror the whole time. This is probably a little shorter than I had intended, but it's cute, there won't be any bed head, and it will probably be all grown out in two weeks.


  1. oh it's so cute!!! i love little boys with short haircuts! it shows off their eyes and their handsome faces so well. :) and it's so easy! you're right- it will grow out so quickly-- that's why i get ethan's cut so short... i get my money's worth and it saves having to go back so often.

    hope y'all are doing well and are staying warm!

  2. I like it!! I am kind of fond of the military crew cut!!
