Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Eli had tubes placed in his ears this morning.  It was a really easy procedure, fifteen minutes start to finish.  Surprise.  Surprise.  He had yet another ear infection when they got in there, so that once again assures me we made the right decision.  Eli fell asleep in the car on the way home and ended up sleeping from about 9:30am to 2pm.  Then he took a short nap from about 5pm to 6pm and was definitely ready to go to bed tonight at 8pm.  Other than the sleepiness, he's been happy Eli all day, and I'm sure he'll be back to himself tomorrow.  I'm so grateful we had the opportunity to get these tubes, and I really hope they help with all the ear infections Eli has been having.

Oh how I wish I had my camera ready when they rolled this boy in from the OR.  He was sitting up straight on this huge gurney, chugging a tiny 2oz. bottle of sugar water.  When I say chugging, I mean the fluid was long gone, but in a desperate attempt to obtain every last drop, he had his head tilted completely back at a 90 degree angle, bottle straight up in the air.  You probably had to be there, but it was really cute.  This boy was THIRSTY!

We were all ready to leave when they let us go.  Ryan and I can't stand being at hospitals.

All done and still mad about the ID bracelet around his ankle.

Finally getting a little snack to take the edge off.


  1. I've been checking in on you, glad to see that Eli will be ear infection free (hopefully) for good! What a trooper! Hope tomorrow is a happy day.

  2. I'm glad the surgery went well! I laughed at your sugar water story, so I don't think you had to be there. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eli is so adorable! We're happy everything went well!

  5. Allie has tubes too and they truly can be a blessing after so many ear infections.
