Sunday, July 18, 2010

Have I mentioned...

that August 2nd is the scheduled c-section date?  That's two weeks from tomorrow.  I'm ready.  I think Ryan's ready.  Clayton's really ready.  Eli doesn't have a clue, and this baby is going to rock his world.  Poor Eli.

I've spent a little time doing some baby-prep this weekend.  The boys are moving in together, and I think I've got all of Eli's clothes and things crammed into Clayton's room now.  We recently bought a set of bunkbeds that the boys will eventually share.  Mama's not quite ready for Clayton to be a top bunk kind of kid or for Eli to be out of the crib, so for now, Clayton's on the bottom, and Eli will stay in a crib, possibly temporarily in his old room, possibly in with Clayton.  It just depends on where I can get the baby to sleep the best, our room or Eli's old room.  We'll see.  Eventually though the bigger boys will be together, and the baby will have his own room, and now everyone's things are in place for that.

I also went through all the baby clothes this weekend.  They sure are tiny.  I held some of them up to Eli and couldn't believe how much a child grows in their first year and a half. 

Signing off with an achy back, restless legs, and swollen feet...


  1. Awww poor you!! So glad it's almost time for your c-section! I'm sure having 3 boys outside will make you much less tired. ;-)

  2. How exciting! I didn't realize your scheduled c-section was so soon! I'm sure it can't come fast enough for you. We'll be praying for a safe delivery and a smooth transition. :)

  3. Wow that's soon, we will be thinking of you all! That is Philip sister's birthday, August 2nd.

  4. I'm so jealous :) I still have a long 10 weeks ahead of me! I will be thinking of you and looking to you for advice as you make the transition from 2 to 3 :) Stay cool friend.

  5. I've been thinking about you given your c-section date is so close. We are praying it all goes well. Oh and we did the same thing on sleeping. I moved Ev in the room with Josie, but I still have Evelyn in her crib- I too was not ready to give her freedom. They have been sleeping in the same room now for about 2 months now and its going pretty good aside from a few giggles and playing at bedtime. Isabelle is still in our room and will stay there as long as she fits in her bassinet and then I guess I'll move her to the baby room. All the best!
