Monday, April 25, 2011

Clayton's Fifth Birthday Party

Clayton turned five on April 10th.  We decided we would have our first real kid birthday party to celebrate the special occasion.  About a month before the party we got a party supply catalog (junk mail) in the mail.  Clayton claimed it and after flipping through it a hundred times, declared he was having a Super Readers party.  Super Why is one of Clayton's favorite PBS shows.  It's pretty cute, so I approved.  Clayton was beyond excited for the entire month leading up to the party.  He told everyone he met that he was turning "dive" (yes, f is still an issue, although we're making progress), and he was having a "Duper Readers" (yes, s is an issue too) party.

We rented a pavilion at one of our city parks on Saturday, the 16th.  It was a slightly chilly, but beautiful day, and the winds, though still present, were on the calm side.  We had so much fun, and we are so thankful to all our friends that came out to help us celebrate.  Here are a million pictures.

Getting set up

 Aaron relaxing in the sun.  A huge thanks to Brandy for taking care of Aaron so much during the party.

Eli sliding with Nan waiting to catch him.  He's definitely gotten over his fear of slides.

Pizza.  I'll admit it.  It was the easy choice.

Isn't he just the cutest?  L with his mama.

Sweet A. 

Eli.  He drank his and everyone else's drink at the party.  He's a theif like that.

Lots of kiddos

Opening gifts.

He was soooo excited.

We lost a few balloons to those spikey things they have to keep the birds out.  Thanks B.

Sweet kiddos

Super Reader cake

Blowing out the candles

Too excited to wait for a fork

Aren't these some cuties?  M and A.

As you can see, we had a ton of fun.  We're so grateful to have this birthday boy.  I could not have imagined this day five years ago.  Happy Birthday Clayton!


  1. great pictures Wenday! What a fun day for all of you!

  2. Looks like so much fun! I love the picture of Clayton eating his cake without a fork! Too funny.
