Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nature, Part II

In addition to our butterflies, we've been watching this nest outside our front door.  I'll admit, I wasn't thrilled that a bird had taken up residence over my front porch, but it hasn't been too messy yet, and we've seen two sets of baby birds hatch since we've moved in.  We thought the last set of baby birds had moved on well enough to take the nest down a few days ago.  When Ryan climbed up to investigate, here's what he found.

I see four babies.  They thought I was there to feed them.  Every time I'd click my tongue, they'd pop their little open mouths up at me.

Then I noticed the mama bird sitting on the edge of my neighbor's roof, keeping her eye on me.

She wouldn't come back to the nest until I'd been inside for a few minutes, but I did get this shot, very quietly, once she returned.

I know they're just birds, but there's something about watching the miracle of life that makes me appreciate how great God's creation really is.

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