Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!  Ryan's parents have been here most of the last week, and we've been able to squeeze in some Easter festivities since they've been here.

On Saturday afternoon our church hosted an Easter egg hunt.  Clayton had a small Easter egg hunt on Friday at preschool, but it was raining, so the kids just hunted eggs in the foyer of our church.  This was his first outdoor, large scale Easter egg hunt.  It was interesting.  Clayton was definitely not the winner.  He knew there was candy in those eggs, and each time he'd grab an egg, he'd want to open it to see what was inside.  He didn't understand that all the other eggs were getting snatched up by more seasoned hunters, but that was okay.  He came away with about six eggs and was absolutely thrilled about the candy.

Look who's finally walking around.  Eli has been a reluctant walker, but last weekend he finally decided that crawling is out.  Now he walks everywhere with what I call his "chicken wings".  He keeps his hands tucked in and elbows out as he waddles around.  It's so sweet, and he's very proud.

Eli also hunted a little.  He got two eggs and was super proud.

Clayton examining his loot.

On Easter morning Clayton was thrilled to see his Easter basket.  He meticulously examined every item in his and Eli's basket.  Eli (AKA Sleeping Beauty) was not awake yet.

Finally awake, Eli was very interested in this hard boiled egg.  It ended up being just okay. 

We were able to attend church with Ryan's parents.  The service was beautiful with lots of special music and Easter lilies decorating the stage.  After church we enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner before taking Ryan's parents back to the airport. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.

He is risen!  He is risen, indeed!

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